本站为莫莫哒的博客2.0, 重建于2020年12月1日。创建目的在于记录自己的学习历程,整理自己的一些思考,以及保存一些需要公开访问路径的内容。莫莫哒本人认为无论是学习还是生活,都需要留下一些痕迹,且尝试过日记,手账,剪贴簿,手机自带备忘录,语音日记,日记软件,包括微博、豆瓣、微信等社交软件。未来也不排除在这里记录一些生活和兴趣爱好相关的内容。
This website is recreated in Dec. 1, 2020, for I personally like dark themes better these days. And I would like to give a thumbs up to the theme designer.
I planned to migrate previous posts from Hexo-powered project to this brand new Hugo-powered project. But the migration task had been proven tedious and meaningless after I saved those pages to my Evernote.
I hope this website would be long maintained by myself. For furter instruction on this theme, please refer to Hugo and 📝